Welcome to the monthly PAWR update. Each month we deliver technical summaries on: POWDER, COSMOS, AERPAW, ARA, and Colosseum.
Click to read the full July 2022 Monthly Update.
- The POWDER team completed its work with the latest O-RAN Alliance plugfest in June, supporting proof-of-concept efforts related to energy efficiency in the RAN. POWDER also collaborated with Keysight on O-RAN test automation through the plugfest.
- COSMOS recently published anonymized videos taken at the intersection of 120th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in New York City in order to demonstrate technology that automatically blurs faces and license plates in a video stream.
- Construction of four new towers is now complete at the AERPAW Lake Wheeler site!
- In partnership with Ericsson, AERPAW has also now installed a new 3.4 GHz radio at tower site number one.
- The ARA team has started lab testing of its Skylark low-UHF massive MIMO platform.