March 2022 PAWR Monthly Update

March 2022 PAWR Monthly Update

Welcome to the monthly PAWR update. Each month we deliver technical summaries on: POWDER, COSMOS, AERPAW, ARA, and Colosseum.


Click to read the full March 2022 Monthly Update.



  • The POWDER team is currently redeploying a programmable massive MIMO
    array on the rooftop of the University of Utah Merrill Engineering Building (MEB).
  • COSMOS has now started work to deploy additional large and medium nodes along Amsterdam and Convent Avenues to extend the testbed’s outdoor footprint.
  • The AERPAW team recently participated in the workshop on Future Networks Testbed Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities, organized and hosted by the IEEE Future Networks community
  • As part of the ARA platform, a team from University of California, Irvine, led by Dr. Ozdal Boyraz, is building a free space optical communication (FSOC) system for use as a long-distance backhaul link.
  • Colosseum now offers standard radio nodes connected to an Octoclock clock distributor.
AERPAW Wireless Datasets for Public Use


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