Top researchers from the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program will join a panel of experts on September 14th to lead a technical session as part of the Federal Communications Commission’s Forum on 5G Open Radio Access Networks.
Moderated by FCC CTO Monisha Ghosh, the panel includes: PAWR Technical Program Director Abhimanyu (Manu) Gosain, as well as leader of the program’s POWDER platform in Salt Lake City Jacobus (Kobus) Van der Merwe, and Ivan Seskar from the PAWR COSMOS platform in New York City. Additional participants include representatives from Blue Danube, Johns Hopkins University, MITRE, Oracle, and Spirent.
Learn about Open RAN at the FCC September Forum
September 14, 2020
Technical session: 3:00-5:00 pm Eastern Time
As the U.S. moves ahead with 5G deployments, technologists are looking at ways to accelerate wireless innovation further by making components of the traditionally closed radio access network (RAN) accessible and interoperable with new technology solutions. The Open RAN efforts are part of a larger movement toward software defined networking, which promises to make wireless networks faster and more agile to meet the demands of new high-bandwidth, low-latency, and IoT applications.
Open RAN work is also designed to enable new technology providers to enter the market, speeding innovation, lowering costs, and increasing network security through the availability of a diversity of equipment suppliers.
The PAWR program, created by the National Science Foundation, is on the front lines of Open RAN research and is providing outdoor, end-to-end programmable testbeds for experimenting with combinations of radio hardware, software, interfaces, and APIs. Field research, trials, and proofs of concept are critical for continued Open RAN development, and the PAWR platforms deliver the unique prototyping and testing environment necessary for Open RAN success.
From a spectrum perspective, the PAWR platforms have also been designated as the FCC’s first Innovation Zones for spectrum research. The testbeds support experimentation across a wide range of spectrum bands including newly available mid-band spectrum being set aside for 5G.
The FCC Forum on 5G Open Radio Access Networks will take place by video conference and will be live streamed on the FCC website: www.fcc.gov/live