PAWR National Spectrum Strategy Roundtable

PAWR National Spectrum Strategy Roundtable

Following the release of the National Spectrum Strategy, the NTIA has begun work on an Implementation Plan. In support of that effort, we hosted a virtual roundtable with lead researchers from the PAWR platforms to discuss how the wireless testbeds can support spectrum study and spectrum sharing research. Listen in below!

Included are excerpted clips from the discussion, as well as the full recorded roundtable.


Clip #1: Northeastern University’s Abhimanyu Gosain explains how the PAWR platforms can be used to support spectrum sharing research and testing.


Clip #2: University of Utah’s Kobus Van der Merwe talks about the POWDER team’s spectrum management framework that is being used for spectrum sharing research and will be made available as an open source solution.


Clip #3: Iowa State University’s Hongwei Zhang talks about spectrum sensing and the value of diverse geographies and topologies across the PAWR Platforms.


Full Roundtable Discussion on PAWR Platforms Supporting the National Spectrum Strategy



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